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camlhmp-blast-regions is a command that allows users to search for full regions of interest. It is nearly identical to camlhmp-blast-targets, but instead of many smaller targets the idea is to instead look at full regions such as O-antigens and or similar features.


 Usage: camlhmp-blast-regions [OPTIONS]

 ๐Ÿช camlhmp-blast-regions ๐Ÿช - Classify assemblies using BLAST against larger genomic

โ•ญโ”€ Options โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ•ฎ
โ”‚ *  --input         -i  TEXT     Input file in FASTA format to classify [required]   โ”‚
โ”‚ *  --yaml          -y  TEXT     YAML file documenting the targets and types         โ”‚
โ”‚                                 [required]                                          โ”‚
โ”‚ *  --targets       -t  TEXT     Query targets in FASTA format [required]            โ”‚
โ”‚    --outdir        -o  PATH     Directory to write output [default: ./]             โ”‚
โ”‚    --prefix        -p  TEXT     Prefix to use for output files [default: camlhmp]   โ”‚
โ”‚    --min-pident        INTEGER  Minimum percent identity to count a hit             โ”‚
โ”‚                                 [default: 95]                                       โ”‚
โ”‚    --min-coverage      INTEGER  Minimum percent coverage to count a hit             โ”‚
โ”‚                                 [default: 95]                                       โ”‚
โ”‚    --force                      Overwrite existing reports                          โ”‚
โ”‚    --verbose                    Increase the verbosity of output                    โ”‚
โ”‚    --silent                     Only critical errors will be printed                โ”‚
โ”‚    --version                    Print schema and camlhmp version                    โ”‚
โ”‚    --help                       Show this message and exit.                         โ”‚

Example Usage

To run camlhmp-blast-regions, you will need a FASTA file of your input sequences, a YAML file with the schema, and a FASTA file with the targets. Below is an example of how to run camlhmp-blast-regions using available test data.

camlhmp-blast-regions \
    --yaml tests/data/blast/regions/pseudomonas-serogroup.yaml \
    --targets tests/data/blast/regions/pseudomonas-serogroup.fasta \
    --input tests/data/blast/regions/O1-GCF_000504045.fna.gz

Running camlhmp with following parameters:
    --input tests/data/blast/regions/O1-GCF_000504045.fna.gz
    --yaml tests/data/blast/regions/pseudomonas-serogroup.yaml
    --targets tests/data/blast/regions/pseudomonas-serogroup.fasta
    --outdir ./
    --prefix camlhmp
    --min-pident 95
    --min-coverage 95

Starting camlhmp for Pseudomonas Serogrouping...
Running blastn...
Processing hits...
Final Results...
                               Pseudomonas Serogrouping
โ”ƒ sample โ”ƒ type โ”ƒ targeโ€ฆ โ”ƒ coverโ€ฆ โ”ƒ hits โ”ƒ schema โ”ƒ schemโ€ฆ โ”ƒ camlhโ€ฆ โ”ƒ params โ”ƒ commeโ€ฆ โ”ƒ
โ”‚ camlhโ€ฆ โ”‚ O1   โ”‚ O1     โ”‚ 100.00 โ”‚ 1    โ”‚ pseudโ€ฆ โ”‚ 0.0.1  โ”‚ 0.3.1  โ”‚ min-cโ€ฆ โ”‚        โ”‚
Writing outputs...
Final predicted type written to ./camlhmp.tsv
Results against each type written to ./camlhmp.details.tsv
blastn results written to ./camlhmp.blastn.tsv


The table printed to STDOUT by camlhmp-blast-regions has been purposefully truncated for viewing on the docs. It is the same information that that is in {PREFIX}.tsv.

Output Files

camlhmp-blast-region will generate three output files:

File Name Description
{PREFIX}.tsv A tab-delimited file with the predicted type
{PREFIX}.blast.tsv A tab-delimited file of all blast hits
{PREFIX}.details.tsv A tab-delimited file with details for each type


The {PREFIX}.tsv file is a tab-delimited file with the predicted type. The columns are:

Column Description
sample The sample name as determined by --prefix
type The predicted type
targets The targets for the given type that had a hit
coverage The coverage of the target region
hits The number of hits used to calculate coverage of the target region
schema The schema used to determine the type
schema_version The version of the schema used
camlhmp_version The version of camlhmp used
params The parameters used for the analysis
comment A small comment about the result

Below is an example of the {PREFIX}.tsv file:

sample  type    targets coverage    hits    schema  schema_version  camlhmp_version params  comment
camlhmp O5  O2  100.00  1   pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   


The {PREFIX}.blast.tsv file is a tab-delimited file of the raw output for all blast hits. The columns are the standard BLAST output with -outfmt 6.

Here is an example of the {PREFIX}.blast.tsv file:

qseqid  sseqid  pident  qcovs   qlen    slen    length  nident  mismatch    gapopen qstart  qend    sstart  send    evalue  bitscore
wzyB    NZ_PSQS01000003.1   88.403  99  1140    6935329 595 526 69  0   545 1139    6874509 6875103 0.0 717
wzyB    NZ_PSQS01000003.1   88.403  99  1140    6935329 595 526 69  0   545 1139    6920911 6921505 0.0 717
wzyB    NZ_PSQS01000003.1   89.444  99  1140    6935329 540 483 56  1   1   539 6872864 6873403 0.0 680
wzyB    NZ_PSQS01000003.1   89.444  99  1140    6935329 540 483 56  1   1   539 6919266 6919805 0.0 680
O1  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   97.972  12  18368   6935329 1972    1932    38  2   16398   18368   6620589 6618619 0.0 3419
O1  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   96.296  12  18368   6935329 324 312 11  1   1   323 6641914 6641591 1.68e-149   531
O2  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   99.841  100 23303   6935329 23303   23266   30  1   1   23303   6618619 6641914 0.0 42821
O2  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   86.935  100 23303   6935329 1240    1078    130 12  2542    3749    3864567 3863328 0.0 1363
O3  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   94.442  13  20210   6935329 2393    2260    114 15  1   2386    6618619 6620999 0.0 3664
O3  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   99.308  13  20210   6935329 289 287 2   0   19922   20210   6641626 6641914 3.09e-147   523
O4  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   97.448  14  15279   6935329 1842    1795    47  0   1   1842    6618619 6620460 0.0 3142
O4  NZ_PSQS01000003.1   99.638  14  15279   6935329 276 275 1   0   15004   15279   6641639 6641914 8.46e-142   505


The {PREFIX}.details.tsv file is a tab-delimited file with details for each type. This file can be useful for seeing how a sample did against all other types in a schema.

The columns in this file are:

Column Description
sample The sample name as determined by --prefix
type The predicted type
status The status of the type (True if failed)
targets The targets for the given type that had a match
missing The targets for the given type that were not found
coverage The coverage of the target region
hits The number of hits used to calculate coverage of the target region
schema The schema used to determine the type
schema_version The version of the schema used
camlhmp_version The version of camlhmp used
params The parameters used for the analysis
comment A small comment about the result

Below is an example of the {PREFIX}.details.tsv file:

sample  type    status  targets missing coverage    hits    schema  schema_version  camlhmp_version params  comment
camlhmp O1  False       O1  12.49   2   pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   Coverage based on 2 hits
camlhmp O2  False   O2  wzyB    100.00,0.00 1,0 pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   
camlhmp O3  False       O3  1.43    1   pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   
camlhmp O4  False       O4  13.86   2   pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   Coverage based on 2 hits
camlhmp O5  True    O2      100.00  1   pseudomonas_serogroup_partial   0.0.1   0.2.1   min-coverage=95;min-pident=95   

Example Implementation

If you would like to see how camlhmp-blast-regions can be used, please see pasty. In pasty the schema is set up to directly use camlhmp-blast-regions to classify samples without any extra logic.

This allows for a simple wrapper like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
pasty_dir=$(dirname $0)

CAML_YAML="${pasty_dir}/../data/pa-osa.yaml" \
CAML_TARGETS="${pasty_dir}/../data/pa-osa.fasta" \
    camlhmp-blast-regions \

This script will run camlhmp-blast-regions with the pasty schema and targets.